Vgt Slot Machines Tips

I found a few older threads about Class II gaming but I'd like to get another more-technical discussion going. Class II games make up a huge chunk of all the Oklahoma casinos I've been to (especially VGT and Multimedia Games) and I'd like to get a greater understanding of the inner workings.
There's a couple good articles out there on Class II gaming devices, like this one. Based on this article and a few others, here's what I understand about these glorified bingo games:
You put money in and hit spin. In effect you are randomly generating a bingo card and entering a live-draw bingo game along with anyone else who recently hit the spin button (so you always need at least 2 people playing). In effect you are playing against others, but here's where things get murky (at least for me)...
One thing I don't get: for the game you're participating in, does the central server determine what game-ending pattern it's going to award next and then the first person to get that wins that predetermined prize? Everyone in a game would have to be competing for the same game-ending pattern, no?
Which leads to my next question: what if the casino is dead and it's only you and a friend playing? Wouldn't either of you win all of the prizes? I think there may be a limit on ball draws to prevent this but it certainly seems that your luck would be highly dependent upon how busy the casino is (and in fact I seem to anecdotally do better on these machines when it's not crowded).
Anyone out there have a greater understanding of Class II games?
Vgt Slot Machine Tips
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