Casino Dream Definition

Dreaming about paralysis or being unable to move in your dreams is very common. This kind of dream can symbolize the problems and struggles you may be experiencing in your waking life. The feeling of being paralyzed is an inherent fear for many people, and sometimes dreaming about it can cause great anxiety upon awakening. A stress dream or anxiety dream is an unpleasant dream which is characterized by feelings of distress, unease, and apprehension upon waking up, but it is less disturbing than a nightmare. A nightmare contains things that you cannot conform, but a stress dream is rather organized and may recur over and over.

If you dream about winning the lottery, does it mean you’re lucky day is soon to come?

Casino Dream Definition

Or does it mean “create your own luck?”

Lottery dreams. Winning the lottery in a dream can symbolize being lucky. Good fortune is smiling on you, and it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the actual lottery. People are said to win the lottery when they get hired for a coveted job, or marry the perfect mate, or have a wonderful family, or rise to the top in their profession. They get lucky, the few chosen from among the many, even when the luck is earned.

Dreaming about winning the lottery can mean you’re working through in your mind how to be more lucky, or how to gain what winning the lottery represents: security, opportunity, resources, freedom, influence, importance, success, dramatic change, money. Lottery dreams are rarely about money directly, but instead about what it symbolizes.

A lottery dream can be a “what if?” simulation. What if you actually won? What would you do, and how would it change your life? Dreams help clear impediments, such as the belief that nothing good ever happens to you. And they address side questions such as, Would winning the lottery change you and your life in bad ways? Would it be bad for people close to you? Are you better off where you are?

Some people say that winning the lottery is blind luck, and others say that our consciousness creates our reality and our so-called luck. If consciousness creates reality, then improving and raising your consciousness is a direct way of improving your reality. Dreams are all about that. Learning from them puts you in a better position to win the lottery of life.

Your journey to interpreting your dreams begins here:

Lottery dreams: putting yourself in position to succeed

Casino Dream Definition Meaning

I won the lottery when my manuscript was chosen from among many to be published.

Playing the lottery can symbolize creating your own opportunity or luck. You create your own luck by putting yourself in a position to succeed.

For example, an author (me) dreams about buying permanent lottery numbers. If the numbers come up in any future lottery, he wins. In the dream, he realizes he didn’t buy all the numbers he could have, and wonders how he would feel if someday he almost wins the lottery but comes up one number short. He resolves to buy all the numbers available. Since no lottery actually works that way, that part is obviously symbolic of something.

The dream is about his efforts as an author. The high effort out into building an audience and drawing attention to his work, but he sometimes skips opportunities because he doesn’t think they will pay off. In dreams, buying something can symbolize an investment of time and energy, so buying permanent lottery numbers symbolizes putting the time and energy into maximizing every opportunity. One day, he hopes to “get lucky” and see his work go widespread.

A woman dreams that she holds a winning lottery ticket and tries to read the numbers as people around her react with excitement and bewilderment. She wakes up thinking that maybe the dream tried to give her the winning numbers in an upcoming lottery drawing. But with more thought she realizes the dream is really about getting motivated to create her own success. In the dream she is distracted by the hoopla around her, symbolizing the distractions that keep her from fully applying herself to her work.

Lottery dreams that come true

This post is excerpted from my book about dream interpretation.

People have dreamed about winning lottery numbers, played them, and struck it rich. They have dreamed about playing ANY numbers and won. They’ve dreamed about playing scratch off games and won. They’ve even played the same numbers twice in the same drawing and won a larger share of a split jackpot because they followed an idea given in a dream.

Then again, lottery winners have also played numbers found in a fortune cookie and won, so just dreaming about winning the lottery or about winning numbers is not a sure thing. But in some cases the coincidences are meaningful and too synchronous to be random—especially cases in which people who’ve never played the lottery wake up and say to themselves, “It’s my lucky day, I really should play the lottery,” and they win.

And this guy won the lottery after playing numbers he dreamed about.

Synchronicity is the concept of meaningful coincidence, including the uncanny timing and arrangement of events. Synchronicity is behind some cases when money comes to a person at just the right time, such as when they win the lottery right after losing their job or when on the verge of financial ruin. To learn more about synchronicity, see Dr. Bernard Beitman’s website.

As a side note, if you want to increase your odds of good fortune coming your way, I have a suggestion for you. Make the effort be about more than just you. I’ve noticed that good things come more often to people who are motivated by a desire to help more people than just themselves.

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Dreaming that you lose money while gambling means you will be able to change your lifestyle and do something better with your life. Seeing yourself gambling in your dream is an unfortunate sign of damage.

This is a warning to prevent taking any risks. If the theme is a game of any sort, such as a card game like poker, then the warning is even more important. Any card game in your dream signifies that things are likely to take over in regards to your financial situation.

To dream that you win at a game of cards means that you will not have financial problems anymore. If you lose, this is a sign that you have problems with your loved one.

In your dream you may have

  • Been gambling.
  • Seen others gambling.
  • Played cards.
  • Played poker.
  • Seen the ace card.
  • Seen different suits of ace cards.
  • Pulled a joker.

Positive changes are afoot if

  • You did not take any unnecessary risks in the game.
  • You stayed away from quarrels.
  • You paid attention to your gambling partner.

Casino Dream Definition Synonyms

Detailed dream interpretation

Playing cards in your dream or seeing other people playing is a sign of arguments and debates. An ace of any kind in your dream predicts good news, and if you see many aces, this foretells lucky times. The ace of clubs represents a lack of friendship from others. The ace of hearts will bring you happiness in love. The ace of diamonds tells that you will receive money. The ace of spades means that you work hard and do not get paid enough. Dreaming that you have the joker in a card game means that you will allow a business rival to defeat you.

Casino Dream Meaning

If you find​ yourself in a casino this can be associated with the choices you have made in waking life, that involves risk. In waking life, you may make a d​ecision that can entail potential risk. To gamble is connected to your internal predictive powers as well as the ability to take a risk.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of gambling

Casino Dream Definition Dictionary

Needing. Lucky. Tired. Challenged. Upset. Happy.