Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy

For as long as people have been gambling, players have been trying to develop a system that will allow them to gain the edge. Some of the greatest minds in history have tried to devise a system for beating the casino games. Although he was not a gambler, in 1654 French mathematician Blaise Pascal was asked by a friend for help with a wagering proposition. Pascal became interested in the philosophical problem of how to make decisions involving uncertain events. His studies lead to his writing of Traite du Triangle Arethmetique which was the first book on probability theory.

  1. Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Odds
  2. Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Strategies
  3. Best Blackjack Progressive Betting Strategy
  4. Blackjack Progressive Betting Strategy
  5. Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Against
  6. Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Tactics
Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy

Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Odds

As I understand it, no progressive betting strategy, even supported with perfect Basic Strategy, will deliver a positive return over the long term. The math doesn't lie. That said, I have had much success over the years with a 1-3-2-6 betting strategy coupled with flawless Basic Strategy and a selective eye to the tables I will play at. Progressive bettors play basic strategy and raise and lower their bets based on the results of the previous hand. Card counters are players who raise or lower their bet based on the number of high or low cards remaining in the deck(s). Positive Progression. As we’ve already shown you, when using a positive progression betting system you would increase your stake every time you won a bet. You’d then reduce it when you lost a bet. Systems of this type are not as potentially damaging as negative progression systems. Progressive betting in blackjack, or any other casino game, is one of the most sure ways to lose all of your money. The betting strategy is simple, and that’s what often attracts people to it. You just keep doubling your bet every time you lose until you finally win a hand. The progression strategy you will use depends upon being able to win multiple hands of blackjack in a row, and you can only expect to do that when you know what the count is. Basic strategy, card counting, and a betting progression all work hand in hand to help you become successful at playing blackjack.

Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Strategies

Albert Einstein studied the problem of how to beat the game of Roulette. After spending time on the problem he concluded that it could not be done and he was quoted as saying, 'The only way to beat Roulette is to steal the money when the dealer's not looking.' In a sense, he was correct. His point was that there is no way to employ a mathematical configuration of bets to overcome the house edge.

Gambling systems based on raising and lowering your bets are sometimes referred to as money management strategies. Most of these systems fall into two categories; a negative betting progression, or a positive betting progression.

Negative Progressions

A negative progression system has you increase your bets after a loss in hopes of getting back to even after a win. These negative systems are extremely dangerous because you can lose your entire bankroll after a series of losses. The most popular negative betting system is the Martingale where you double your bet after every loss. This system has caused more players to go broke than any other betting system, yet many players will still give it a try.

Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy

Positive Progressions

The ultimate betting strategy is to bet more when you are winning and less when you are losing. This is easier said than done because you never know when a streak occurs until it ends. A simple way to bet more when you are winning is to slowly progress your bets after a win and decrease your bet to the minimum when you lose. This is known as a positive progressive system. If you are going to try any type of betting system, you should only try a positive progression. With a positive progression, you cannot get wiped out by a series of losses.

Paroli Betting System

The Paroli system is a positive progression system that is designed to take advantage of winning streaks. You start by choosing a predetermined number of wins in the progression. For example, if you decide to use three wins as your progression. Here is what the progression would be:

You place your first $5 bet and win $5. You place your second bet of $10. You win with the second bet and place your third bet of $20. You win with the third bet and this is your stopping point for the Paroli betting system. You will then proceed back to the original bet of $5 and continue to use the system throughout the game. You may try for four or five wins in a row but it will be harder to complete the sequence. If you were to lose at any time you go back to your original starting bet and begin the sequence over again

One Half Up

Best Blackjack Progressive Betting Strategy

This is a very popular positive progression system. You do not increase your bet until you win two bets in a row, then you keep increasing your bet by one-half of your original bet. Here is an example.

You make a $10 bet and win. You are now even so you don’t progress yet. You make another $10 bet and win. You are now ahead $10. Your next bet is $15. You are progressing but you still have a profit of $5. If you win the $15 bet your next bet is $20. If you lose you go back to $10. You still have a profit of $15.

It Can Work

There has been much debate about whether or not a positive progression system will increase your profits when you gamble. Many math experts say that in the long run, it will not make you any more money than if you had bet the same amount each time. However, since you are only playing for a limited amount of time a positive progression may win you more if you catch a lucky winning streak.

You can use a positive progression when you are playing any casino game but it works best in the game of Craps. There are many times when a shooter will have a long roll and you can use a progression to increase your winnings.

A positive progression cannot hurt you because you are only increasing your bet after a win. If you feel that you want to try a betting system, this is the one to use. The secret to successfully using a positive progression is to make sure you collect enough winning to make a small profit before you start to raise your bets. Many players will raise their bets before they have locked up a profit and when they lose they have not won any money. Make sure to collect a few winning bets first

Progressive betting in blackjack, or any other casino game, is one of the most sure ways to lose all of your money. The betting strategy is simple, and that’s what often attracts people to it. You just keep doubling your bet every time you lose until you finally win a hand. After all, even on a terrible losing streak you’ll win a hand eventually, right? Well, in theory this sounds logical, but in reality progressive betting systems will lead to huge losses over time.

Blackjack positive progressive betting strategy odds

I am going to show you an example below on why they don’t work whether you are playing at a local casino or online against a live blackjack dealer.

Progressive Betting Systems – Why Don’t They Work?

Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy


Blackjack Progressive Betting Strategy

There are several pitfalls that you will eventually hit if you’re using a strategy based on progressive betting. First of all, at some point you might run out of money and not be able to afford doubling your bet after a loss. Here’s how things will look if you lose 7 hands in a row starting at $25…

Bet #1: $25 (total loss = $25)
Bet #2: $50 (total loss = $75)
Bet #3: $100 (total loss = $175)
Bet #4: $200 (total loss = $375)
Bet #5: $400 (total loss = $775)
Bet #6: $800 (total loss = $1,575)
Bet #7: $1,600 (total loss = $3,175)

Problem A

At this point you’re down $3,175 and you now need to bet $3,200. Can you afford that? How about if you lose an 8th hand in a row… Can you afford to be down $6,375 and then bet another $6,400? Even if you think you can afford it, when you finally win a hand you will be up a whopping $25 for all your work and emotional stress. Will you lose 7 or 8 hands in a row? Maybe not in the first hour of play, but there is no question that at some point you will lose more than 8 hands in a row no matter how good of a player you are.

Problem B

Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Against

Looking at the above example, you can probably guess what the next problem with progressive betting is. Even if you have an unlimited bankroll, at some point you will hit the table maximum bet and will not be allowed to raise your bet further. Most Indian casinos will usually have a $500 or $1,000 table maximum. Many high limit rooms in Las Vegas only go up to $5,000. Even the high end properties in Vegas such as Wynn, Bellagio and Aria will only go up to $10,000 on their blackjack tables.

Problem C

Other factors involved in blackjack progressive betting are the player options of doubling and splitting. If you ignore these options the house edge against you will increase. If you use these options, as you should, you could end up with 2X or 3X your bet on the table. I’ve had pairs split into four separate hands and have needed to double all four of them. That meant I had 8X my original bet on the table. If the dealer busts and I win, that’s great, but if the dealer pulls a 21 and I lose all of my hands, that’s a tough pill to swallow. Now imagine you’re about five losses deep (down $775 and betting $800) into your progressive betting system and you’re dealt 8,8. The dealer shows a 6, so you split. Another 8 comes to you, so you split again. Now you get two face cards and a 3 to match your 8s. You stand on your 18s and double the 8,3. You get a low card on your double and the dealer turns the 6 into an easy 19. After all, a a dealer’s 6 only busts about 42% of the time. In this scenario you lose $800 X 4… That’s $3,200 in one shot! Now you’re down $3,200 + $775 and need to bet $4,000 just to make that original $25 in profit. Lose another hand and you’re at the table max without an opportunity to recoup your losses. It’s over and you only lost six hands in a row. Ouch!

Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy

The shortcomings of progressive betting apply to all casino games. Roulette, craps, baccarat, sportsbetting… you name it, progressive betting will guarantee you lose at it. Not even card counting is able to avoid the ultimate collapse of such a flawed system. You might win for a day or two and gain false confidence, but when the reality of progressive betting hits you it gets ugly quick. With one losing streak you will lose what you gained over the previous sessions and more!

Blackjack Positive Progressive Betting Strategy Tactics

Learn from the Mistakes of Others

The bottom line – DO NOT USE A PROGRESSIVE BETTING SYSTEM! Many uneducated gamblers will try to mask the fact that their progressive betting system loses by adding little twists and tweaks. It has been proven over and over again that you will still lose if your strategy is based on a progression. Don’t sell yourself short, learn something useful that actually works and holds a long-run advantage. Take the time to learn about blackjack and card counting (not just counting +1 and -1, but everything that goes into being successful at counting cards), and you’ll maintain a long term advantage over the casinos.