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How to Play Blackjack - Learn basic blackjack rules in this simple step-by-step guide to playing. Discover how to bet and improve your odds of winning! For discussing bets on sports which arent yet popular enough to have their own forums. For major events such as Olympics please use the specific events forums.

so you advise me to spread on high TC. Because the casino is not big i must play through all hands.
I foundsoftware and instaled it. It provided me with stategy and EV on hiting with 3, 4 or 5 hands with & card charlie And it calculated my EV for every hand. it is a great peace of freeware.
doeas somebody have some imput on that. IT gives me ev with charlie rule of -0.0008137 and positive EV with bonus rule of +0.0062
So now i Know what tu play on example hit all hard 4 card totals of 12 and 13 from 2 to A and hit even 14 on dealers 2.
Charle rule has also good side, if true count goes south house ege drops less because there is more small cards to play. On example on TC of-8 house ege is only 2%
With regards
Forum for the ALTA X. Latest: I was wrong about Alta X Adam Varadi, Nov 21, 2020. ALTA 8 Pro Discussion relating to the ALTA 8 Pro. Latest: Lots of. Blackjack Forum Online exists to help players make money gambling with an advantage. All the information provided here is free. Blackjack has the lowest house edge over the player of all games ever. So, in essence, it is the most player-friendly game in the world (Best ways to win).Of course, you also have to know what you doing (a basic glossary can be found here): there is a large volume of rules that not many people know but that make a difference between a winner and a loser.
. . . . up to 0,62% ( depending on which internet page I look.
I run the site. Just out of interest, can you let me know which page on the site states the HE for a ENHC BJ game is 0.62%?
The URL takes you to a page where I've published a BS table for the most commonly found game in the UK, and possibly Europe, but it clearly states the HE to be 0.55% - I took this figure from the widely respected site run by Ken Smith. I'm not aware there are any other pages that state the HE for BJ.
How high must TRUE count be to have an AP advantage in excess of 3% ? 8 deck if that helps ? ? ?
How often does that happen in 8 deck shoe, cut cards at 6 decks, SWAG acceptable.
Yes it tells 0.55, on your site but in my casino you cant resplit aces so I added .07 to your number and got 0.62 Casino ege.
On other sites I found 0.55 without resplit aces
Still BJ is hack of the game, even when you play with slight positive ege:))
Hi everyone, i need Your advice and maybe little encouregment:) In my local casino there is game Like this. 6 deck DOE, DAS, resplit all except aces, there is no hole card, dealer stands on soft 17. Table min is 5€, max 200€. There is six card Charlie paying 2 to one but you cannot drow on soft 11( it counts as 21) and one wierd bonus rule. Red suited AK blackjack pays, if you play min 20€+ 3 to 2 and extra100€. I calculated that if i play basic strategy with 20 € hunting for those 2 suited BJ(AK diamond and AK of harts) by my calculation if i play 20€ hand i have positive expectation of 0.075 € or 7.5 eurocents per hand and i can practise counting in casino enviroment:) Untill today i played 800 hands of BJ flatbeting 20€. I got three suited bj ak bonus and one 6 card charlie. And i am down more then 1100 euro. Is this just bad luck, standard deviation in work or did i just miscalculated. Please help me! How big bankroll must i build so it could not go broke on this game?
I'm surprised no one has talked about this bonus - it seems like it might move the edge a bit. It's a tiny number of hands, but pays a total of 130€ if you have a 20€ bet out, right? 30€ for the 3-2 BJ, and 100€ for the bonus? Pretty nice.
The Website Run By Professional Blackjack Players
Since 1981, Arnold Snyder's Blackjack Forum has been the leading trade journal for professional gamblers. Now the tradition continues online.
Blackjack Forum Online exists to help players make money gambling with an advantage. All the information provided here is free.
You will find there is a big difference between the kind of gambling advice you get from professional gamblers, and the kind of advice you get from 'experts' who make their money selling systems and books and don't risk their own money at the tables. We would like you to know that you really can make money from gambling, even make gambling your profession, if you choose.
If your main interest is relaxing and playing blackjack online then a great site is They have been following the trends in online play and provide reviews of the different popular real money blackjack games available. Live blackjack online has also rapidly become a favorite of both professionals and recreational players.
Win at Blackjack With or Without Card Counting
Players who want to know if they could become winning blackjack players should start with A First Year of Card Counting, a realistic and funny account of card counting as a part-time avocation.
Card-counting is not the only way to beat blackjack, but it's the first step toward the advanced strategies professional gamblers use to make a lot of money at the game.
Players who want to start learning how to win at blackjack should start with our Intro to Winning Blackjack. Once you’ve got a feel for the game and are ready to start practicing your playing strategy (though not card counting) online—we recommend checking out the online casinos at
If you are considering a career as a professional gambler, we suggest you start with our Blackjack Forum Professional Gambling Library, the largest source of honest professional blackjack, poker and online gambling information on the Web.
Inside you will find articles by Blackjack Hall of Fame members Arnold Snyder, Ken Uston, Stanford Wong, James Grosjean, Max Rubin, Peter Griffin, and Richard W. Munchkin, plus interviews with Tommy Hyland, Al Francesco, Keith Taft, Johnny C., manager of the MIT blackjack team, Darryl Purpose and other great blackjack players who have made gambling history.
There is even info on beating slots, roulette, lotteries and keno—in brick-and-mortar casinos and online—in our library.
Intro to Winning Blackjack By Arnold Snyder | |
Blackjack Hype vs. Blackjack Reality | |
What Card Counting is Really Like | |
Do You Have What It Takes to Win? | |
Blackjack Card Counting--Why It Works | |
Learn Blackjack Basic Strategy | |
Easy Red 7 Card Counting System | |
Easier OPP Card Counting System | |
Free Card Counting Practice Software | |
The 'Best' Card Counting System |
Win Money Playing Blackjack and Other Games at Online Casinos
Yes, they pay. No, I'm not kidding. Some of the best blackjack and gambling opportunities available right now are in the online casinos.
If you are interested in playing blackjack or other games in online casinos, see the Blackjack Forum Win Online section, with our online blackjack strategy and all the how-to info you need to get started. No get-rich-quick baloney. Just the facts about how to win.
Free Blackjack Card Counting Systems and Software: The PowerSim Project
For free easy card counting systems, see our complete instructions for the Easy OPP Card Counting System (the easiest system ever developed) and the Easy Red 7 System (a slightly more difficult but also more powerful system).
For a simple but powerful professional-level card counting system (in fact, the count I use myself), see The Hi-Lo Lite.
ETFan has contributed his open source PowerSim blackjack and card counting simulation software.
PowerSim comes ready to run fast, powerful and accurate traditional blackjack and card counting simulations that provide the information you need for comparing games and card counting strategies,and calculating risk and bankroll requirements, optimal bets, advantage and win rate for a wide variety of blackjack games and rules sets.
The programmable PowerSim is also easily modified by players to run new types of simulations. This has led to simulations of the new and innovative OPP Count for beginning players.
Also free: Download free card counting practice software and Sam Case's blackjack card counting strategy index generator directly below. The strategy index generator produces strategy index numbers for any balanced card counting system. You put in the count values and true count method for any counting system you are researching, and the generator will tell you the true count at which to change your playing strategy. ♠
FREE Card Counting Practice Software
Download Free Card Counting Practice Software
Free Blackjack Card Counting Strategy Index Generator
Download Free Program for Devising Playing Strategy Index Numbers for Any Balanced Blackjack Card Counting System
Blackjack Forum Uk Online
Free Programmable Blackjack & Card Counting Simulation Software
To begin:
1. January 11, 2007 Release of PowerSim
2. Download Blackjack PowerSim & Instructions
Free (Version 6, January 11, 2007 upgrade)
3. Install XBasic Free

(For detailed instructions, see the
Instructions.doc in the Blackjack Power Sim
4. Download XBasic Documentation Free
Announcing the Release of PowerSim Open Source Blackjack & Card Counting Simulation Software
by ET Fan
The Blackjack Power Sim Project:
The Importance of Free Programmable
Blackjack Simulation Software for Serious Players
by Arnold Snyder
PowerSim: No Compromise on Accuracy
by ET Fan
Blackjack Forum Magazine
Quick Links:
Blackjack and Betting Systems: Is Oscar's System a Winner?
The First Card Counters:
Edward O. Thorp's 1962 Blackjack Card Counting Trip
Interview With Blackjack Hall of Fame Player Ken Uston
The Blackjack Hall of Fame
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